Creating an Arch Flash Drive
For my MacBook's
This week I was lucky enough to enjoy a week off from work. I am half way thru the vacation and wanted to post a stats report on my vacation[summer, 2013] project.
While I do love Crunch Bang, I would like move my MacBook (4,1) to Arch. I’ve been successful install Arch on my MacBook (2,1) yet before I wipe away my ‘stable’ install I must first resolve a few issues/bugs1.
I need(ed) to gaining a better grasp of the EFI boot process; and to that I’ve had some success creating an Arch USB flash drive installer. I choose to create a free standing page this project for two reasons. First, it is a bit on the lengthy side. Second, and most importantly, I feel that I would be more apt to update and refine my pseudo-guide if was its own thing opposed to some random posting.
Besides crafting a grand unifyed desktop metafor that works for me, I must first lock down the trackpad. If I can't type without our worrying where the cursor may jump to... the system is doomed to fail. (PalmDetect doesn't work well for me.) ↩︎