setting sail
When I was spec-ing out a way to develop a site and return to the web my requirements where fairly simple. I wanted to avoid running or maintaining any of infrastructure. I first started using tumblr, moved to jekyll with github hosting, then to heroku. They are all fine options. I am however am finding, what I always knew, I enjoy the technical side far more than content creation. I think I’m getting close to setting sail on my time at heroku and take my toys to a bigger Digital Ocean.
I started toying with this idea yesterday when I created an Arch ‘droplet’ to create a VPN connection for my digital devices when I’m out and about. I started to wonder would might it be ideal to start hosting my own email (bad idea)… but I could and if I’m thinking about that why not movie other things I’m hosting of at TxD before they die off (again). If I do that then why not move my Jekyll install. I think I redrafted my late-fall vacation itinerary… but we will see.
I would love to replace Unicorn with Puma, I think, but I don’t think that is going to happen at… I will most likely follow this guide and go with Nginx as I really do want to keep it simple.